AP Exam Fees 2022: AP Exam Fees and Reductions

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Here you will find AP Exam Fees and Reductions for 2022.

Remember: Checks and money orders should be made payable to the school administering the exam.

2022 AP Exam Fees

Exam Fees

The fee for each AP Exam is $96.

The fee for exams administered at schools outside of the United States, U.S. territories and commonwealths, and Canada, with the exception of U.S. Department of Defense Dependents Schools (DoDDS), is $126 per exam.

Fees for exams taken at authorized test centers outside the United States vary.

Please note:

  • Your school may require you to pay a higher fee to cover proctoring and administration costs.
  • If you are approved to take an alternate exam during the late-testing period, you may be required to pay an additional $40 per exam late-testing fee.
  • If you paid for an AP Exam but then decided not to take it, you may ask your AP coordinator for a refund. Local school policy determines the amount of the refund. You will probably be required to pay the $15 fee the school is charged for each unused exam. However, once you begin an exam — that is, write on an exam booklet or answer sheet or play an exam CD — you cannot receive a refund.

AP Capstone™

  • If your school is participating in AP Capstone in 2021-22, the fee for AP Seminar and AP Research is $142 each (including schools outside the U.S., U.S. territories and commonwealths, and Canada).
  • Once you submit any performance task component for AP Research or AP Seminar as final in the AP Digital Portfolio and/or start the end-of-course exam, the full exam fee of $142 will be charged. If an exam was ordered for you but you never submitted any performance tasks as final or started the end-of-course exam, you will probably be required to pay the $15 fee that the school is charged for each unused exam.

AP Computer Science Principles

  • For AP CSP, you will be charged the exam fee ($94) for taking the end-of-course exam. Note that your performance tasks will not be scored unless you are taking the end-of-course exam and indicate exam intent. If an exam was ordered for you, but you never started the end-of-course exam, you will probably be required to pay the $15 fee that the school is charged for each unused exam.

Fee Reductions

If you have a significant financial need, you may be eligible for a $32 College Board fee reduction per AP Exam, depending on the state in which you attend school. Most states provide federal or state funds or both to supplement the College Board fee reduction and reduce your cost even further. Check with your AP coordinator to learn more about eligibility requirements for College Board fee reductions, state and district subsidies, and other support that may be available.

Regular Exams

Student pays school $96 per exam
School pays the College Board $85 per exam
School rebate $9 per exam

AP Capstone: AP Seminar and AP Research

School pays the College Board $133
School rebate $9 per exam

International Exams

Student pays school $124 per exam
School pays the College Board $115 per exam
School rebate $9 per exam
Exams at College Board – authorized test centers outside the U.S. Fees vary

Alternate Exams for Late Testing

Late-testing fee (reason: school mistake, student conflict, etc.) $45 per exam

Other Fees

Unused exams $15 per exam
Late exam orders $55 for each order received after the extension deadline
Late exam return Twice the exam fee for each exam in shipments received after June 1
Late payment $225 for payments postmarked after June 15

*Applies to exams administered at schools outside the United States, U.S. territories and commonwealths, and Canada, with the exception of U.S. Department of Defense Dependents Schools (DoDDS).

The amount schools collect from students may vary under certain circumstances:

  • Students who qualify for fee reductions: College Board fee reductions and state and federal subsidies are available for students with financial need.
  • Late testing: Occasionally, circumstances make it necessary for students to test late using an alternate form of the exam. Depending on the reasons for late testing, schools may be charged an additional $45 fee per alternate exam, part or all of which the school may ask students to pay. Students qualifying for the College Board fee reduction will not be charged the late-testing fee.
  • Schools may negotiate a higher fee to recover proctoring and administration costs.

Fee Reduction Resources


Students may request a refund if they pay for but do not take an exam. Once a student begins an exam, the fee is not refundable. For Capstone and Computer Science Principles, once a student submits any performance task component as final in the AP Digital Portfolio or starts the end-of-course exam, the full exam fee will be charged. The $15 unused exam fee will be charged if an exam has been ordered for a student who:

  • Doesn't submit any performance tasks as final; and
  • Doesn't start the end-of-course exam.

Source: CollegeBoard

AP Review Book
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